Thursday, 27 March 2014

March Lusts

So here we are yet again, almost at the end of another month!

Its actually felt pretty slow me, considering I went on holiday at the beginning of it and that feels like ages ago!!

I as always have fallen in love with many things and these are my 'please make me rich so I can buy these' list.

1) Origins GinZing Energy Boosting Moisturiser - £23 - BUY
Everyone seems to love this product, I do think the tub is pretty small for the price tag but I'm yet to hear a bad review about it!! Plus, my skin needs so much added moisture at the moment!

2)Marc Jacobs Daisy Sunshine Delights - £48 - BUY
As I've said before, I will always feature a perfume in my lusts, I'll probably never own them but I lust after one each month and this one is amazing!! Its the perfect summertime scent - really floraly but also really light. This has actually reduced in  House of Fraser which was a dangerous discovery

3)Electric Blue V-Neck Cami - Topshop - £18 - BUY
This is a top I eyed up in the Petite section on my recent trip to Nottingham and annoyingly didnt have my size. I adore the electric blue colour of it and for less than £20 I can't really say no!

4)La Roche Posay Effaclar Duo (+) anti-blemish cream - £15.50 - BUY
Possibly the most hyped over product in the blogging world at the moment! All I've heard is incredible things and its on an amazing 'money back' offer if it doesnt do what it says youll get it back, which I think is a pretty powerful decision so I'm hoping amazing things!

5)Rita Ora Colour Rush Colour Rush Balm - Rimmel - Viva Violet - £5.99 - BUY
Whilst choosing which shade I wanted Viva Violet however, no where in Nottingham had it in stock so Its not on my to-buy list as I stocked up on nail polish instead!

6) Pro Longwear Blush in Stubborn - MAC - £20 -BUY
I saw this in the MAC shop and fell in love, its a much deeper Pink to what I normally go but I'd love to try this out and actually experiment with a new shade!

What have you guys had your eyes on this month?? Let me know in the comments below or link me to your lusting pages!!


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