Model Co Shine Ultra Lipgloss in Berry Pink - £12 - BUY
Who doesn't love a freebie?? When I was doing my usual magazine browse last week I noticed that Glamour magazine had a selection of free gifts from the brand Model Co. I'll admit, its not a brand I'm hugely aware of so if anything, I was more thrilled about finally trying someone new.
After hunting three shops (yes I am that sad) for the Mascara on offer, - My lovely friend Aimee from TwentySomething did a review on the Mascara so make sure you check that out HERE -
I had to settle for one of the lipglosses the magazine was giving away. I'd also like to point out, these are full sizes too which is great for a freebie, as much as I understand why they give away smaller versions it can be annoying at times especially when they say 'worth £25'....well its not is it cos its a fraction of the size??
For me, lipglosses are not the one, I find them sticky and annoying but more and more bloggers keep posting about their love of gloss and I've almost being doubting myself and figured I should give them another shot, for free, whats to lose?
The Berry Pink shade i choose is very pink in the pot however, this doesnt reflect on application. The swatch shows that its somewhere in the middle, theres the blast of colour but it seems to fade very quickly. The range do offer another 7 shades so I'd love to see how they vary.
The overall appearance of this is lovely the mirror is super handy, even just to check up to see how it looks throughout the day and the pot is really thin to just slide into your handbag.
My thoughts on looks pretty and Models Co claim the product reflect lights and glimmers which it totally does.
However, they also say it will give you a long lasting, non sticky finish. I sadly couldnt disagree more. I found it so sticky, which like I said, I hate. It was so sticky as I was walking to work the wind was blowing my hair into my lips which I had to peel off...awful.
It did last a few hours for me without need for touch up which allowed the stickiness to reduce but overall sadly, this product wasnt for me.
If anyone had any lipgloss recommendations that won't leave my lips overly stick, please let me know below as I really want to start wearing some!
Also let me know if you've tried any of the items Glamour are giving away, I'd love to know which product I should have choosen!
So annoying that both products were a bummer! Thanks for the link sweetie :)
ReplyDeleteAimee - AroundTwenty