Sunday, 9 March 2014

Holiday Shopping and a quick update


I'm back from a well deserved holiday with my boyfriend and the dogs. After a week in a beautiful secluded cabin in the woods (cue horror movie title), I am back to the real life smog that is Derby and back to work.

I had such a lovely week, we did very little, which was strange but I was more than getting used to it. We also had very limited 3g whilst we were in our cabin which again, was both infuriating but also really nice to just be with each other. The hours were mostly passed playing N64, Scrabble and discovering my new love of Nothing to Declare.

We did visit some small towns whilst there around Lake Windermere. After spending alot of my childhood there, it was strange to be back but also lovely and weird that nothings changed. We visited Windermere, Ambleside and Bowness which is my absolute favourite place. Jamie liked it too, which I was happy about as a London guy hes not used to so little signal and so much nature unlike me who adores all that.

It did mean my blogging got a bit short (I literally waited til we drove to a small town and was straight on blogger to get my posts up).

Anyway...I did get a tiny bit of shopping bits whilst in Bowness, its not the biggest shopping district but I did find one shop with some of the nicest things. On the plus side, I spent less on holiday than I do when I go to work.

A short and simple post today but here you go....

Maybelline 24Hr Superstay Concealer - Boots - £3.05 - BUY

I actually bought this in the clearance section as Boots are no longer stocking this as a main range product so I've linked to the full price item on Tesco instead. Its in an Ivory shade and as I recently bought a new Maybelline Foundation, I thought this would be a nice little purchase.

Muppets Coasters - £4.99 each - BUY

These are technically a gift I bought Jamie. As mentioned, we found a shop full of everything we love. It wasnt huge but it was like a dream of Baking / Handbags / Vintage Pieces / Rock (ACDC etc) merch / TV merch (think doctor who / big bang / muppets).

He didn't want to spend a tenner on two coasters which I can completely see why, and the shop was pretty pricey but thats the Lake District for you. However, we went back to Bowness on our last day and I went in alone and couldnt help but buy him something after he wanted them so much.
Plus we're making these our kitchen coasters now (we're so cool).

Music Note Necklace - £7.50
Typewriter Letter Necklace - £4.99

I saw these behind a cabinet in the lovely shop (again) and there were so many things I wanted. I had my eye on this music note necklace and knew that was something I needed in my life. To my lovely suprise, Jamie bought me both these bits so I got a really lovely gift from the holiday. I don't think I said thank you enough to him on the day hhaa!

Standard Holiday Souvenirs. I also bought a magnet but I forgot to take a photo of that.

You can't go to the Lakes without buying Kendal Mint Cake. If we go up again my plan is to visit Kendal, as Ive heard its lovely.

The penny press is one of those things I've always done and they're that few and far between that when I do see one I have to buy it. Infact, Jamie spotted it and offered to get it me cos he knows I'm sad when it comes to collecting them.

Heart Bag LYDC - £21.25 - BUY

My 2014 obsession seems to be heart shaped bags. Ultimately my goal is to buy a Vivienne Westwood one, I posted my Feb Lusts with a Floozie Heart bag I spotted, but this one stole my heard (no pun intended) I saw it whilst we were leaving the shop the first time and I talked myself out of it as £22 was good, I didnt know if I should. However, visting Bowness a second time I made up my mind I wanted it in my life and I do not regret it. I've used it every day so far and its such a babe. Its nice to actually have a lightweight bag for once.

so there you holiday purchases. We also bought ALOT of sweets in an array of traditional sweet shops but those are long gone!

Have you bought any purchases on holidays?? Whats been your favourite buy on your travels??


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